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Get Information about a File

Send an array of FileInfoRequest[] to retrieve information about one or more files.

URL: /api/fileinfo/

Method: POST

Content-Type: application/json

File Info Request

Attribute Description
index string The name of the index the file belongs to.
docID number The document ID of the document in the index.

The response will be an array of FileInfoResponse[] in the same order as the request.

File Info Response

Attribute Description
displayName string The user-friendly display name of the file.
fileName string The original file name.
createdDate string The date the document was created.
modifiedDate string The date the document was modified.
location string The location of the document.
size number Size of the document in bytes.
userFields array Array of field-value pairs as Json objects found in the document that are stored fields in the index.
For each object, the key is the field name, and the value is the field value.

Last update: June 21, 2020