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Facet Searching


To use faceted search, make sure the index includes one or more enumerable fields.

When performing a Search Request, Use the SearchFacetInfo contained within the response to retrieve information about which enumerable field values are found in the search results.

Use the field values found in the search result to inform facet filter options available to the user. Then, use field searching to filter search results on a field value.

Search Facet Info

Attribute Description
fields array Array of Field objects


Enumerable fields found in search results, along with the values that were found.

Attribute Description
name string Field name
type string Detected data type of field. Defaults to String.

Can also be Integer,Long and DateTime
Extra types only available in indexes created with Database Indexer.
The value is always sent as a string, regardless of type.
values array Array of FieldValue objects containing the name of the value and a count of occurrences in search results.
total number Each value has a count of occurences. This is the sum of the total number of occurences of all values.


Attribute Description
value string The value of the field
count number The number of times this value occured in search results.

Last update: June 21, 2020